
We’re here to help

Your calculator licence gives you access to regular updates and help from our expert team.

Man sitting on the stair case using laptop

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Legislation updates

We monitor the market and make updates to the calculators when required, such as stamp duty and income tax updates. These changes are deployed automatically to your calculators, so you have one less thing to worry about.

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Dedicated support

Access 24/7 to our support help desk. Your licence covers technology upgrades and standard support of the calculators including bug fixes. Our support team is available within business hours, 8:30am to 5pm (AEST). Extended hours support can be arranged if required.

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Design upgrades

Our team of UI/UX experts combine best UX practices and provide the product team with regular design updates to enhance engagement, ensuring our calculators stay ahead of the curve.

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Strategy and consultation

Our expert team are available to provide ongoing consultation and strategy to help you optimise your calculators and CX for success, including optimisation support for SEO.

Need an instant update?

You can take full control of your calculators with Equate CMS. Easily edit content, colours, text, labels, values, and rates at any time, giving you the flexibility to make updates and customisations whenever you need.

Find out more


Unsure, need a fully customised solution or just want to know more?
Get in touch with our friendly staff today.

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